23 mai 2010


The women and children of India

It's a glorious day in Paris today. I spent the morning at my favourite café sketching, people watching and reading while sipping my café crème as I do almost every Sunday. I am now squinting to read my computer screen thanks to the glare of the sun (I am not complaining) in order to put up a few more photos. I am still working on the archives - posting favourites from the past.

We are back in India this week where I volunteered in March 2007. My memories of this experience still lie very close to my heart. What an amazing country. The women and children I met during my stay were extraordinary, beautiful, awe-inspiring. Their fingerprints have remained with me.

13 mai 2010



And so, my blog started off with a ...fizzle.
What? You mean I actually have to post photos on a regular basis?! I told you this was new to me.
Now I am back and ready to share my fingerprints with you (again).

I recently saw a friend who had asked to see some of my photos from Vietnam. I've chosen three, a bit of a random selection but they each define a bit of the character of the country. Of course, there are LOTS more but I'll start off slowly.

I must also forewarn you right now that there will be no coherent theme or logic to the why or which photos I post. Not for the moment anyway.